Research on the disparity range of stereo image comfort based on depth perception and subjective evaluation
中文关键词:  舒适度  立体视差  主观评价  立体匹配
英文关键词:visual comfort  stereo disparity  subjective assessment  stereo matching
基金项目:国家“863”计划(2012AA011505,2AA03A301)和国家自然科学基金(61002028)资助项目 (天津大学 电子信息工程学院,天津 300072)
李素梅 天津大学 电子信息工程学院,天津 300072 
李永达 天津大学 电子信息工程学院,天津 300072 
朱丹 天津大学 电子信息工程学院,天津 300072 
摘要点击次数: 1247
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      立体图像的视差很大程度上决定了立体图像的视觉舒适度,本文从定量的 角度对影响立体图 像舒适度的视差范围进行了研究。首先对源立体图像采用像素平移方法得到测试立体图像集 ,通过大量的 主观实验得到测试立体图像的舒适度平均意见得分(MOS,mean o pinion score)值;其次,基于视觉显著性特点,采用自适应权重立体匹配方 法计算各区域的视差值,以测试各区域视差值对整幅立体图像舒适度的影响程度;最后通过 转换公式将舒 适立体图像的视差范围转换为视差角形式,以便将本文方法推广到其他类型的显示设备。实 验结果表明, 在实验所用显示设备中,满足舒适要求的像素平移量为-40~90(左 移40pixels至右移90pixels);当 立体图像中心显 著区域的水平视差在-0.3882°~0.851范围内时, 其舒适度在可接受范围内,而视差范 围为-0.2713°~0.781时舒适度达到最佳;最后将本文方法推广到常用显示设备,并给出了常用显示设 备的舒适视差范围,为立体图像和视频的制作提供了可靠依据。
      This paper studies the disparity range of stereo image comfort from the quantitative analysis.Firstly,a stereo image is obtained by pixel shift method in the source stereo image.The mean opinion score (MOS) is obta ined through a large number of subjective experiments. Secondly,using the adaptive weight stereo method,the regional disp arity value of stereo images is detected to test the impact on the stereo image comfort of the disparity based on the visual sali ency.Finally,the disparity range of the comfortable stereo image is transformed into the disparity angle by the conversion formula,in order to extend this method to other types of display devices.The experimental results s how that in the experiment display device,the pixels shift to meet the comfort requirements is from -40to 90(th e left 40pixels to the right 90pixels). When the horizontal disparity in the salient region of the stereo image center i s from -0.3882° to 0.8514°,the comfort degree i s within the acceptable range,and the range from -0.2713° can 0.7813° to achieve the best.Finally,this method is extended to common display devices,and can give the comfortable parallax range of common display devices,which provides a reliable basis for the production of st ereo image and video.
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